Cameras of South America |
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Kodak Brasil. 400 viewsKodak Brasilian 110 cameras, made in Brasil by Kodak Brasileiro IND. LTDA.
Kodak Brownie 11.
Kodak Fratos.
Kodak Star.
Kodak Brownie Chiquita Camaras287 viewsKodak Brownie Chiquita Camara, and burgundy Kodak Chiquita Flash Camara (Spanish for Camera) two different versions.
Made by Kodak Eastman in the USA for Brasil. ca.
Kodak Hobby 35mm camera 2 viewsKodak Hobby 35mm camera. Camera has build in flash and Lens: Kodak Coated 5.6/44mm camera takes 2 AA battery's Lens. Film Transport is made by Wheel at the back top cover.
camera is made in Brasil by Kodak Brasilaira com.E Ind. Ltda Made in Brazil. Ca 1980 ?
Kodak Instamatic Camara55 viewsKodak Instamatic Camara (spanish or camera) camera take 126 cartridge film, Made by Kodak Brasileira Comercio E. Industria, ca. 1995?
Kodak Sport Brasil photo 1.380 viewsKodak Sport Electronic Flash 110 camera, with Kodak 25mm Lens, and Electronic flash, made in Brasil by Kodak Brasileiro IND. LTDA.
Kodak Sport Brasil. photo 2.371 viewsKodak Sport Electronic Flash 110 camera, with Kodak 25mm Lens, and Electronic flash, made in Brasil by Kodak Brasileiro IND. LTDA.
Kodak Star 735, Cameras. Photo 1.10 viewsTwo Kodak Star 735, plastic 35mm Compact camera. both have build in Electronic flash, Top camera has a manual film transport, and the bottom camera Kodak 735-R, has a rechargeable film transport.. unusual.
both cameras and charger, are Made in Brasil, by Kodak Brasileira com.e ind.LTDA. Ca. ??
Kodak Star 735, Cameras. Photo 2.10 viewsTwo Kodak Star 735, plastic 35mm Compact camera. both have build in Electronic flash, Top camera has a manual film transport, and the bottom camera Kodak 735-R, has a rechargeable film transport.. unusual.
both cameras and charger, are Made in Brasil, by Kodak Brasileira com.e ind.LTDA. Ca. ??
Kodak Starflash S10. cameras Photo 1186 viewsKodak Starflash S10. 35mm Camera, made in hard plastic, camera has a build in electronic flash, focus-free lens, and build in Lens cover.
Made in Mexico, Lens is made in USA. ca.1989
Kodak Starflash S10. cameras Photo 2168 viewsKodak Starflash S10. 35mm Camera, made in hard plastic, camera has a build in electronic flash, focus-free lens, and build in Lens cover.
Made in Mexico, Lens is made in USA. ca.1989
Lupa-4 camera, Brasil photo 1. 513 viewsLupa-4 camera, 4 lens instant camera with a Polaroid back, the camera is made of hard plastic, Very light, has a separate Shutter exposure box to fit to the front of the camera, to do individually exposure, with a plastic slides. F-stop of 8,11,16,22. Electronic flash sync point, and optical finder. Unusual camera, Made in Zone/Ranca De MANAUS. INDUSTRIA BRASELAIRA
Lupa-4 camera, Brasil photo 2. 502 viewsLupa-4 camera, 4 lens instant camera with a Polaroid back, the camera is made of hard plastic, Very light, has a separate Shutter exposure box to fit to the front of the camera, to do individually exposure, with a plastic slides. F-stop of 8,11,16,22. Electronic flash sync point, and optical finder. Unusual camera, Made in Zone/Ranca De MANAUS. INDUSTRIA BRASELAIRA
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