Old Negative Wallets |
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Australian negative wallet, Myer Ltd.486 views"Take a Kodak with you" The Myer Emporium Stationery Department in Melbourne Australia ca.1935.

Australian Negative Wallet.452 viewsCamera House, Expert Photo Finishers,
Geelong Victoria Australia Ca.1952

Australian Negative wallet.442 views"your happy snaps" " Melbourne Australia ca.1930.

Australian Negative wallet.305 viewsThe Royal Tour 1963.
a Kodak negative wallet, made by Kodak Australasia PTY. LTD

Australian processing wallet, 307 viewsAustralian processing wallet, ca.1910

Australian processing wallet,293 viewsAustralian processing wallet, ca.1910

Australian processing wallet.314 viewsAustralian? processing wallet, from W.A.Apothecaries Co. Pty.Ltd.
For Quality Prints. ca.1910

Australian processing wallet.318 viewsOld Australian Photographic processing Wallet,
"Bowden's Photographic Corner" in Collins Street Melbourne Australia, ca. 1920 ?

Australian, Andrews Drug Stores Neg Wallet 453 viewsLennie Lens, Andrews Drug Stores in Melbourne Australia, Negative Wallet ca.1950

Australian, Melbourne Olympic Games. 457 viewsMelbourne Australia Olympic Games 1956

Australian, negative wallet452 viewsTake a " Week-ends are wasted without a Kodak" Melbourne Australia ca.1927.

Australian, Old Victorian Negative Wallet.435 viewsDickens & Dickens Negative Wallet, from Colac Victoria Australia ca.1935
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