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Ansco Memo camera (1927 Type)496 viewsAnsco Memo camera(1927 Type) Leathered covered wooden Box camera for half frame 35mm camera, with round view finder on top, 50 exp. 18x32mm on 35mm film, in special film cassettes, sliding button on the back for film transport, exposure counter, made by Ansco Binghampton NY. USA ca.1927.

APM Box camera, Photo 1.634 viewsAPM Blue Leather covered wooden Box camera for 2.1/4" x 3.1/4" on APM roll-film No.225, single speed shutter with three stops. Made by Amalgamated Photographic Manufacture LTD. (APM) London. ca.1920

APM Box camera, Photo 2.601 viewsAPM Blue Leather covered wooden Box camera for 2.1/4" x 3.1/4" on APM roll-film No.225, single speed shutter with three stops. Made by Amalgamated Photographic Manufacture LTD. (APM) London. ca.1920

Atlas Box camera. France631 viewsAtlas Box camera for 6x6cm exposures on 620 roll-film. After WWII Roger Vergne produced this cameras in limited numbers.
The most famous model produced was the Atlas 6x6cm. a all metal box camera, in crackled finish, and folding optical finder.
This is the Atlas 6x6 Model is with Trylor H.Roussel 1:4.5 f=75 Lens, in a Gitzo-Paris shutter.
All up only 2000 of these Atlas Box cameras were produced in France during 1949.

Box Camera Eclair Lux . France.649 viewsRED Eclair Lux 6x9cm Box camera.
The Éclair Lux was assembled and sold by TIRANTY in France. It is a originally a British Coronet box camera, but Tiranty bought the bits, assembled the camera again in France. more info to come.

Box Camera. Ansco Shure-Shot Jr. USA.550 viewsAnsco Shur-Shot Jr, all metal Box camera, with a great retro camera face plate. Fixed aperture of F/11 and fixed shutter speed 1/60th sec.
It takes 120 film with eight 6x9cm exposures.
Made by Ansco in the US. Ca.1940

Box Camera. Coronet Blue . England605 viewsBlue Coronet, leatherette covered cardboard Box Camera, made by Coronet Camera Co. England. ca.1940

Box Camera. Daci & Daci Royal. Germany690 viewsDaci & Daci Royal Metal Box camera for 6x6cm exp on 120 film, Meniscus lens. The Royal camera has focusing, and comes in Red, Gray, Black and Green. Both made by Dacora in Germany ca.1950-1952.

Box camera. Goldy Menisque. France 680 viewsBrown Goldy Menisque Box Camera, ordinary 6x9cm on 120 Roll-film camera, with a Diamond Faceplate. Completely cardboard Box camera, built in Yellow Filter. made by Goldstein in France. ca.1940-1947.

Box Camera. Wardette . Germany.601 viewsWardette Metal Box Camera, made by Bilora, has flash sync, and cable release, made by Bilora for Wards, in Germany ca.1953

Box cameras742 views

Box cameras Various.725 views