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Zeiss Ikon Balilla Box camera. photo 2.19 viewsZeiss Ikon Balilla Box camera, this was a Zeiss Ikon Baldur export version to Italy. Balilla was the name of the Fascist youth organisation under the Italian Dictator Mussolini.

Zeiss Ikon Balilla Box camera. photo 3.14 viewsZeiss Ikon Balilla Box camera, this was a Zeiss Ikon Baldur export version to Italy. Balilla was the name of the Fascist youth organisation under the Italian Dictator Mussolini.

Kenilworth Box camera41 viewsKenilworth Metal Box camera, with brown card board cover, Verticals styled, and small brilliant finder on top. opening leaver on side, camera takes 620 or 120 Roll-film with 6x6cm images. Unusual, and hard to find camera, made in England ca.1930

Maxim No3. Box camera. Photo 1. 155 viewsMaxim No 3 Box camera, Leather wooden Box camera for 2.5" x 4 Inches on No.2a Brownie Film, or No.2 Ensign Film. Horizontal & vertical Finder. Camera was made by W.Butcher & Sons LTD London United Kingdom. ca.1900. a very rare box camera.

Maxim No3. Box camera. Photo 2.162 viewsMaxim No 3 Box camera, Leather wooden Box camera for 2.5" x 4 Inches on No.2a Brownie Film, or No.2 Ensign Film. Horizontal & vertical Finder. Camera was made by W.Butcher & Sons LTD London United Kingdom. ca.1900. a very rare box camera.

Ensign Mickey Mouse camera432 viewsEnsign Mickey Mouse Box camera for 6 exposures on
1.5/8 x 1.1/4" Roll-film. camera made by Houghton in England ca.1935

Expo Box camera. photo 1.407 viewsExpo Box camera, small box wooden leather covered box camera for 15/8 x 21/2" exposures counter outside box, Roll-film in special Easy-Load Expo cartridge, rotary sector shutter, beautiful little camera,
Made by Expo Camera Co. USA. ca.1926

Expo Box camera. photo 2.415 viewsExpo Box camera, small box wooden leather covered box camera for 15/8 x 21/2" exposures counter outside box, Roll-film in special Easy-Load Expo cartridge, rotary sector shutter, beautiful little camera,
Made by Expo Camera Co. USA. ca.1926

GAP Box camera. Photo 1.472 viewsGAP 3x4 box from France, this camera is very small, 3.1/4"h. x 2.1/4"w. has a small metal finder on top, takes 1x1/4 "x 1.3/4" exposures, on 127 Roll-film. Made in France. ca.??

GAP Box camera. Photo 2.421 viewsGAP 3x4 box from France, this camera is very small, 3.1/4"h. x 2.1/4"w. has a small metal finder on top, takes 1x1/4 "x 1.3/4" exposures, on 127 Roll-film. Made in France. ca.??

Ansco Memo camera (1927 Type)496 viewsAnsco Memo camera(1927 Type) Leathered covered wooden Box camera for half frame 35mm camera, with round view finder on top, 50 exp. 18x32mm on 35mm film, in special film cassettes, sliding button on the back for film transport, exposure counter, made by Ansco Binghampton NY. USA ca.1927.

Ernemann K. Box camera,443 viewsErnemann K. Box camera, black leather covered wooden Box camera for 6x9cm, Ernemann shutter with three speeds, M125, Z125,Z25. made in Germany by Ernemann. ca1916-26