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APM Box camera, Photo 1.633 viewsAPM Blue Leather covered wooden Box camera for 2.1/4" x 3.1/4" on APM roll-film No.225, single speed shutter with three stops. Made by Amalgamated Photographic Manufacture LTD. (APM) London. ca.1920
APM Box camera, Photo 2.601 viewsAPM Blue Leather covered wooden Box camera for 2.1/4" x 3.1/4" on APM roll-film No.225, single speed shutter with three stops. Made by Amalgamated Photographic Manufacture LTD. (APM) London. ca.1920
Box Camera. Daci & Daci Royal. Germany690 viewsDaci & Daci Royal Metal Box camera for 6x6cm exp on 120 film, Meniscus lens. The Royal camera has focusing, and comes in Red, Gray, Black and Green. Both made by Dacora in Germany ca.1950-1952.
Swedish MEFAG Box camera. 514 viewsMEFAG Box, all small metal box Camera for 6x6cm exp. on 620 film camera has a aluminium strip in front with the name Hefag, The camera is made in Sth Sweden, the camera has one view finder on top, very unusual camera. Made in Sweden. ca.50"s ?
Box Camera. Wardette . Germany.601 viewsWardette Metal Box Camera, made by Bilora, has flash sync, and cable release, made by Bilora for Wards, in Germany ca.1953
Swedish Handy Box camera. 534 viewsHandy Box, all small metal box Camera for 6x6cm exp. on 620 film camera, very Art-Deco design on the front, The camera is made in Sweden, the camera has one view finder on top, very unusual camera. Made in Sweden. ca.50"s ?
Box Camera. Ansco Shure-Shot Jr. USA.548 viewsAnsco Shur-Shot Jr, all metal Box camera, with a great retro camera face plate. Fixed aperture of F/11 and fixed shutter speed 1/60th sec.
It takes 120 film with eight 6x9cm exposures.
Made by Ansco in the US. Ca.1940
Swedish Box camera photo 2.534 viewsSmall Swedish falling plate Box camera, this camera is unknown to me, has a "simple Express" marking on the back, any help would be appreciated.
Swedish Box camera photo 1.536 viewsSmall Swedish falling plate Box camera, this camera is unknown to me, has a "simple Express" marking on the back, any help would be appreciated.
Sakura Box camera. photo 1.548 viewsSakura Box camera for 4 x 6.5cm exp. on 127mm Roll-film, the camera it is made out of wood, metal, and a Bakelite ring round the front of the Lens, a cute small box camera, only measure’s 100mm deep x 63mm wide x 85mm high, made by Rokouh-sha in Tokyo Japan ca.1930’s
Sakura Box camera. photo 2.493 viewsSakura Box camera for 4 x 6.5cm exp. on 127mm roll-film, the camera it is made out of wood, metal and has a Bakelite ring round the front of the Lens, a cute small box camera, only measure’s 100mm deep x 63mm wide x 85mm high. made by Rokouh-sha in Tokyo Japan ca.1930’s
Junior camera. France 517 viewsJunior, the metal version of an unusual shape camera with a optical view-finder the camera, build-in Yellow pull-out filter, camera allows for eight 6x9 or 2.1/4 x 3.1/4" exposure on 120 film or 620 Roll-film, the operation guide proudly points out that this is the only device comprising of a magazine for two sizes of films. Lens: Stigmar.
Made by Goldstein in France, ca.1950’s