Retina & Retina Reflex Cameras |
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Retina S2 camera. Germany 526 viewsRetina S2 camera for 35mm film, coupled selenium meter, meter neadle in fnder, hot-shoe, and cube flash socket, camera does not work with out film., not marketed in the USA. Lens: Schneider 2.8/45mm Reomar. Made by Kodak Germany ca.1966

Retina-Curtar-Xenon 35mm Lens464 viewsSCHNEIDER-KREUZNACH RETINA-CURTAR-XENON. C. F.4/35mm.
SER. NO.6337557 With Kodak Skylight Filter.

Retina-Ib Germany.490 viewscrocodile leather covering.
Body No.452542
Lens: Schneider-K. Retina-Xenar 2.8/50mm. no.5104629

Retina??504 viewsRetina 35mm camera, exposure button incorporated with-in the larger counter in top plate. German Depth of field. RED distance numbers on focusing scale..body No.174085K
Lens: Kodak-Anastigmat Ektar 3.5/5cm. No.1085980 in Compur-Rapid shutter.

Retinette (type 022) Germany507 viewsRetinette (type 022) 35mm camera, first Rigit body Retinette camera with single stroke film advance leaver on bottom of camera.
Lens: Schneider-K Reomar 3.5/45mm. made by Kodak in Germany ca.1954. but Not maketed by Kodak in the USA.

Retinette . (Type 022) Germany504 viewsRetinette.(Type 022) First Rigit Body 35mm Retinette camera. B.No.316329. single stroke advance leaver on bottom of camera. Lens: Schneider-K. Reomar 3.5/45mm. Compur-Rapid Shutter. No Lens number. Not marketed by Kodak in USA. Made by Kodak Germany. ca.1954

Retinette IA. (Type 035) Germany476 viewsRetinette IA.(Type 035) 35mm camera,B.No.207544. No Rangefinder. Lens: Schneider Reomar 3.5/50mm,in Prontor Shutter, no number. Not marketed by Kodak in USA. made in Germany ca.1959

Retinette IB. camera. Germany 510 viewsRetinette IB.(type 042) Body no. 341625. This 35mm camera has accessory hot-shoe, larger selenium meter cell on meter.
Lens: Rodenstock Reomar 2.8/45mm. Prontor 500 LK shutter.
Not Marketed in the USA. made in Germany, ca.1963
I will be listing approx 30 more Retinas, and Retinette cameras soon.

Retinette II (type 160) Germany.547 viewsRetinette II(type 160) 35mm camera, black lacquered finish on top housing and body edges. B.No.354020K.
Lens: Kodak Anastigmat f4.5/5cm. in AGC. Shutter.No.1546497. made by Kodak Germany ca.1939
Not marketed by Kodak in the USA.

Retinette. (type 017) camera. Germany 583 viewsKodak Retinette.(type 017) B.No.941631 behind the accessory shoe, black counter plate. This 35mm camera was the first Retinette camera marketed in the USA. Retinette name embossed in the Leather at the back of camera.
Lens: Schneider Reomar F.4.5 / 50mm. in Prontor -SV shutter. No.3317714. Made in Germany, ca.1952

Schneider-K. Retina-Longar-Xenon. 80mm. Photo 1. 480 viewsSchneider-Kreuznach. RETINA-LONGAR-XENON C. F.4/80mm. Ser.NO.4749211

Schneider-K. Retina-Longar-Xenon. 80mm. Photo 2. 472 viewsSchneider-Kreuznach. RETINA-LONGAR-XENON C. F.4/80mm. Ser.NO.4905730